On Running and Why It Is Useful

Running is a wonderful sport to get involved in, for many reasons. When done properly, it carries with it a load of benefits that can last you a lifetime.

  1. You can do it anywhere!
    All you need are proper shoes (if even that!) and you’re ready to go. If you’re on vacation, or a business trip, you can run! It’s easier to stick to an exercise regime if it is easily accessible.
  2. You can meet new people through running groups or clubs,
    or on the flip side…
  3. You can spend more time alone!
    Running can get you out in nature alone, for some good quality “me-time.”
  4. Accomplishing goals is a great sense of achievement.
    Have you always wanted to run a marathon? Run for a charity cause? Or just get around the block? Slip on those minimal shoes (or don’t even worry about the shoes if you have a history in barefoot running 🙂 ) and start going for it!
  5. Exercise increases your life span,
    and running will help you to lead a long and healthy life.
  6. Running will help you stay fit.
    It’s a big calorie burner, so if you want to be in your healthiest shape, run!
  7. Running releases endorphins, or feel-good hormones.
    This is guaranteed to boost your mood and put a smile on your face.
  8. Running and any kind of movement is the key to preventing cognitive decline.
    It’s the best thing you can do to keep a sharp, well-functioning mind.
  9. Exercise will help increase sleep quality.
    In a national survey conducted in 2013, even just adding ten minutes of movement to your day will help you to sleep better at night.
  10. A run will give you a boost of energy to carry you through the rest of your day.
    Some people think running drains you, but it’s just the opposite. It will re-energize you.
  11. Running is a natural way to keep blood pressure and cholesterol levels low.
  12. The endorphins that give you a mental boost will also help to relax you,
    as running is an efficient way to relieve stress.
  13. Physical activity has been linked to reducing the risk to certain types of cancers.
  14. Getting quality time outdoors, in nature, is priceless.
    It will keep you calm, happy and energized!
  15. When traveling, have you ever thought of run sightseeing?
    You get to see way more in one day 🙂
  16. Running will keep your joints and bones healthy!
    Contrary to popular belief, running does not cause arthritis. Weight bearing exercises actually increase bone density and slows bone loss.
  17. Exercise boosts the immune system!
    Go for a run, and you might just stave off that flu that everyone is battling.